selamat malam semua pembaca andy yang kacak kacak dan cantik cantik semuanya ! awwww, so suwettt sangat andy kann ? =P
salam sejahtera dan salam satu Malaysia... pembaca andy apa khabar ? semua sihat sihat ? kalau sihat syukur kepada Tuhan... =)
entri kali ni andy nak kongsi sedikit cerita tentang Ombak Tsunami yang melanda Jepun tahun lepas... *bukan Ombak Rindu tauuu ! ( sambil kunyah chewing gum )
okay, seperti yang kita tahu, Gempa Bumi yang berukuran 9.0 skala telah melanda negara matahari terbit tu yang kemudiannya menyebabkan berlakunya Tsunami... *awwwww ! dah macam penyampai berita pula andy ni kann ? amacam, ada gaya tak ? =P
bebalik kepada cerita, kalau dilihat lihat, memang teruk jugak gempa bumi dan tsunami kat Jepun dulu tu... yelah kann, meragut beribu ribu nyawa dan memusnahkan segala benda yang ada seterusnya menyebabkan negara Jepun berubah landskap... *Kuasa Tuhan tak siapa mampu melawan =)
entri kali ni bukan nak cakap tentang teruknya negara Jepun lepas dilanda gempa bumi dan tsunami tapi andy nak bagi korang tengok perubahan yang mendadak yang telah berlaku setelah setahun dilanda bencana tersebut...
for all information, Andy do not own any photos down there... ( kita speaking sikit sebab entri ni berbaur keINTERNATIONALan... mengada sangat ! =P )
Moments following the tsunami striking Japan and the same view as it is today...
p/s : a whirlpool during tsunami on 11 March 2011 with the same area on March 2012 near Oarai City, Ibaraki
p/s : Tsunami-Devastated Yamada town in Iwate
p/s : tsunami-devastated in Kesennuma, Miyagi
p/s : Tokyo Electric Power Co. ( TEPCO ) in Fukushima Daiichi before and after tsunami
p/s : image of Iwaki City in Fukushima during earthquake and tsunami hit (top) with the same area today (bottom)
p/s : tsunami-devastated Natori City in Miyagi... image during the tsunami hit (top) with the same area today (bottom)
p/s : a combination of photo shows the same location on a street in Miyako, Iwate..
p/s : tsunami-devastated Kesennuma in Miyagi
p/s : tsunami-devastated Otsuchi town in Iwate... is seen in these image taken March 14, 2011 (top) and March 1, 2012 (bottom)
p/s : tsunami-devastated area is seen in Kesennuma, Miyagi... two images taken March 15, 2011 (top) March 6, 2012
p/s : tsunami-devastated Onagawa town in Miyagi
p/s : tsunami-devastated area is seen in Kesennuma, Miyagi
With a minute of silence, tolling bells and prayers, Japan marked the first anniversary of an earthquake and tsunami that killed thousands and set off a nuclear crisis that shattered public trust in atomic power and the nation's leaders...
p/s : participants hold candles while forming a "human chain" around Japan's parliament building during a candle light vigil against nuclear power plants in Tokyo, Sunday, March 11, 2012...
p/s : a woman wearing a mask looks at paper lanterns created at a memorial for the victims of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Koriyama, Fukushima prefecture March 10, 2012, a day before the one-year anniversary of the disaster...
p/s : a woman prays in front of a relative's grave, who was killed during last year's earthquake and tsunami, in Ofunato, Iwate
p/s : a girl lights candles in front of a temporary shopping complex in the earthquake and tsunami-devastated city of Kesennuma, Iwate
p/s : a man prays beside lanterns placed at the waterfront in Tokyo Bay to mark the first anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami which devastated northeast Japan, in Tokyo, Sunday, March 11, 2012.
p/s : a girl looks at candles forming the words "Iwaki, bonds of friendship, 2012.3.11" at a candlelight memorial held in remembrance of victims of the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Iwaki, Fukushima
p/s : a woman weeps during a moment of silence to pay tribute to those who lost their lives in the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Tokyo, Sunday, March 11, 2012.
p/s : girls pray after arranging candles at a candlelight event in Iwaki, Fukushima prefecture March 10, 2012. The event took place on the eve of the first-year anniversary of the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami, which killed thousands and set off a nuclear crisis.
p/s : paper lanterns, lit to mourn March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami victims, are released into the sea in Yamada town, Iwate Prefecture March 10, 2012, a day before the disaster's one-year anniversary.
through silence and Sunday prayers, people across Japan remembered the massive earthquake and tsunami that struck the nation one year ago, killing over 19 000 people and unleashing the world's worst nuclear crisis in quarter century...
okayy, cukup kita ber-SPEAKING sebab andy tak pandai sangat speaking english... HAHAHAHA ! melalui entri kali ni, kita melihat bahawa Jepun yang telah dilanda gempa bumi dan tsunami hanya mengambil masa yang singkat untuk Recover semula negara mereka... *ayat tak boleh blah sangat ! =.='
jadi andy nak pendekan entri, kuasa Tuhan itu melebihi segalanya... jadi, jangan pernah kita lupa akan Pencipta... =) yang penting, andy berasa sangat bersyukur kerana lahir dan tinggal di bumi Malaysia yang bukan sahaja aman, indah permandangan malah terhindar daripada sebarang bencana yang besar... KITA SANGAT BERSYUKUR okayyy ?
ini sahaja entri untuk malam ini... semoga anda semua terhibur =)
terima kasih sudi singgah dan baca blog andy/ thank you for willing to stop and read my blog =D
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